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23 Responses to Consequences.

  1. David says:

    pretty sure that’s photoshopped though

  2. Pom Rania says:

    Nah; looks like somebody actually went to the trouble of ordering a custom sign. They are AWESOME.

  3. Kelsie says:

    …although I agree it probably is Photoshopped.

  4. John says:

    Coach Hines made that sign.

  5. Sam says:

    Is it still arson if you warn them first?

  6. Jacob says:

    Thats what happened to my truck, but I didn’t see the sign.

  7. Unauthorized User says:

    This sign it so full of WIN!… I want one.

    I have nowhere to post it, but I still want one…

  8. J says:

    Cool! I””m not sure about the Oxford comma though 😛

  9. somebodyhere says:

    It IS photoshopped, guys, sorry to disappoint you. I saw a tutorial on how-to. It was originally simply “Private parking”. Was it on Worth1000 or in a book by Avi Muchnik, I don’t rememer now. But it was a step-by-step tutorial.

  10. randomnerd says:

    I still wanted to park there, but then I saw that it would be a *daylight* robbery. THAT, more than any of the rest, scared the hell outta me.

  11. G says:

    The sign is photoshopped; the comment above refers to a tutorial in a book called “When pancakes go bad”.

  12. Swifty says:

    Actually, My friends, there’s a sign in my neighborhood at a business that says just that. Someone apparently took a picture of it and posted it here.

  13. L says:

    Fair enough, imo.

  14. Tre says:

    I don’t care if it’s real or photoshopped… someone needs to mass produce them NOW!!!

  15. Halfway says:

    For commemoration purposes, it’ll all be filmed by F. Gary Gray and submitted to the Academy for award season consideration!

  16. Nerva says:

    Well, that’s certainly more convincing than an “unauthorized vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense” sign, but I think they ought to do something about contributing to local crime.

  17. WhoopDehLoop says:

    >.>…………………………………*gets his sledgehammer*

  18. trimeows says:

    BEST. PARKING DETERANT. EVER. love the whole thing. no one would park there after the sign was put up. and i agree. it definately needs to be mass prouduced NOW!!!

  19. wabbit says:

    This really made my day. I have a moose crossing sign in my bedroom, but I need one of these!!!

  20. What's My Name? says:


  21. CHEEZ-IT says:

    It was shopped. I saw it in a book on how to photoshop.

  22. Gustavo says:

    they totally forgot the “will become a robot and fight other robots!”

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